Thursday, November 1, 2007


This is my Halloween Costume. Guess what I am. That's one of my friends Richie. Guess what he is. This was at our stake activity which was really fun. There were so many awesome costumes. I wish I had taken my camera. After the party I watched part of The Sixth Sense. (Creepy movie!) Well I hope Halloween was good for everyone else. By the way I am partly cloudy with a chance of showers. You can't see that I am holding an umbrella in one hand and a spray bottle in the other, hence the chance of showers. Richie is a shadow. He was freaky looking. My friend Mary was a vampire and Katy was a clump of grapes. When they send me their pictures I'll post those. Some other cool costumes were; Marge Simpson, Crayons, Elmer's Glue, a Deviled egg (egg with horns and a tail), Hippies, Han and Leia, a Pot Head (a pot on his head and makeup to make red eyes). All of the costumes looked great.


Abby said...

Mom told me about your costume and I thought it was very clever!!! I am glad you had fun...I love Halloween!!!

cari said...

My guess was that you were a blue version of Peter Pan not looking for his shadow...but your idea makes a lot more sense. It looks like you are having a whole lot of fun.