Saturday, November 3, 2007

November 2nd?!!

Well today was productive but not as productive as I would have liked. I am not motivated to good in school. I'm guessing this is the result of getting into a major. I'm just not motivated to get the A's that will get me into a program. Oh well, I'm not failing anything. I spent three hours rehearsing on my own this morning that was fun. I reviewed the five phrases I learned with Kaye on Tuesday (That's a lot of new movement for one hour of rehearsal with her) and reviewed my creation from rehearsal yesterday. I guess I'm just motivated to become a better dancer now. Next week I have my last midterm, I have to lead an improvisation in my dance improvisation class and I have to turn in the first draft of a D&C paper I haven't begun writing. I purchased my plane ticket home for Thanks Giving this week. I am so excited for that!!! All-in-all I'm glad this week is over. I can't wait to go home and see everyone.
I sound awfully A.D.D. with my sporadic writing.

I saw Bobbie the pumpkin this week and he wasn't moldy but shriveled into something resembling a large bright colored raisin. Poor Guy!!!

1 comment:

cari said...

I totally didn't care about college until like my last year. That is when I started doing my best because I was taking some really interesting History and Poly Sci classes. That may not sound very interesting but once I got into the classes that were centered on my major it all became interesting to me!!!! I'm sure it is just the same for you too. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!!!