Friday, November 16, 2007

Ahhh! Crazy Week!

This week as been odd to say the least. I failed my Anatomy midterm, that's always fun. I hurt my back and haven't danced this whole week. It sucks not to dance. It sucks to have a hurt back. One thing that happened that was really cool though, happened on Monday and I still haven't gotten over it. After my improvisation class my teacher asked to talk to me and she asked how I would feel about letting her choreograph a duet on me and another classmate. I said yes and I have been super excited ever since. She said she'll try to work things out and have us perform in Dance Ensemble next semester. I am super excited. I haven't seen anyone else perform in both Dancer's Company and Dance Ensemble in the same semester, and to have a teacher ask to choreograph something specifically on me. Ahhh! It makes me so excited...ahhh! I just hope everything works out and I get to do it. So pretty much this has been the worst week of the semester but I haven't been sad about it because I am so excited about being asked to be in Dance Ensemble.
Well thats pretty much been my week. I have gone into the training room and been realigned and massaged every day of the week. I didn't get to rehearse with Kaye on my solo. But I did get another ten out of ten on an anatomy lab quiz. That class is so crazy. I love dancing and hope everything works out for next semester!!!
Everyone take care and I will see you all in California on TUESDAY! Yay!!!


Abby said...

yay....tuesday is sooo soon!!! Well maybe if I save my pennys I can come to Utah and see you perform! Don't worry about failing give me a call and I will give you a play by play of all the tests I have failed..wait I sound proud no I am not proud I failed just at peace!!!

Marcindra LaPriel said...

WHAT? I didn't realize you'll be gone by TUESDAY! Who am I gonna rock out with?

It's okay. I think I'll get over it with the help of this handy-dandy cyber bandaid

{::[ ]::)

Cool, huh? Okay, I'm a nerd....