Thursday, October 29, 2009

Keeping Up!

So here is my promised Thursday post. There really is nothing new to report. I just registered for my winter classes. That could be the last time I ever register for classes again. Most likely not though. I'm actually hoping to go to the China Study abroad this summer. We'll see. I'm a little broke. If I do go on the study abroad I will walk in April and then officially graduate in August even though I'll be done with all of my required classes.

I still don't know what to be for Halloween. I was thinking either a whoopi cushion or the Chiquita banana lady!


Daphne said...

I am assuming this post was an invitation for me to tell you what to dress up as for Halloween (or "All Hallows-Weave" in the ghetto).

This year, why not consider dressing up as The Economy. This will require a hobo costume and an extra large tin cup for bailouts. The cup should have a hole in it for the billions to fall thru so people will wonder where all the money went.

You may want to accessorize with a Peace Prize or two. From what I hear, they're pretty easy to come by.

If you don't want to go as The Economy, how about "Unemployed Inspector Gadget"? Take the same hobo costume, add a tattered trenchcoat and carry an assortment of self-destructing notes to throw at your pals. Oh, what fun!

Marcindra LaPriel said...

Yay for China!

cari said...

ok I know this isn't facebook but i want to "like" Daphne's comment! China! That is so cool.

Daphne said...


thank you and you're welcome.

Gabrielle said...

Hey I don't know you but read a few posts... How did you do on your LSAT?