Monday, January 14, 2008

A few quick Experiences

The first week of class went well. I have decided against take 17 credits. I will be missing a week with Dancer's Company Tour and we have a performance we are getting ready for so we are having a lot of rehearsals.
13 credits will do for this busy semester. Rehearsals are going well as are my new classes. I got all A's two B+'s and a C last semester. The C was in Human Anatomy one of the hardest classes at BYU. I'm just glad it was a C I was expecting a C-.
I started my new job teaching Gymnastics. My classes are all fun. They are all boy classes except my Tumbling class which is mixed boys and girls. My favorite experience from my classes was in the tumbling class. It's a class of young teenagers and all of the boys have pretty long hair
(longer than my), it’s what's in right now. One of the boys in the middle of class asked me "why do you keep flicking your hair, you have nothing to flick?" I told him to, "Be Quiet" and just went on but I thought it was so funny. I guess I kinda toss my hair without realizing it but it was really funny that this kid mentioned it and said I didn't have any reason for doing it!
So whoop dee do. That didn't sound as cool writing it out.
My second cool experience this week happened in my Modern Dance Teaching Methods class. I asked the class if everyone had purchased the packet because I was going to drop the class and didn't need mine anymore. So everyone knew I would be dropping at this point. After class a professor, from the dance department who is sitting in on the first half of the semester, came up to me and told me she was sad that I would be dropping the class. She said she felt that the intelligence level in the class would drop 50%. It was quite the compliment. We talked for a bit and she just told me that I was very intelligent among many other nice things. She asked me if I have felt miss understood my whole life. And one of the nicest things she said was that prophets are never understood in their time. I know she wasn't saying I would be a prophet but she was pointing out my deep thinking and the fact that I have a lot of potential.
So hopefully I will be able to tap into my potential and do something great in my life. It's funny since she pointed it out I've just been noticing different interactions one of which happened today. I asked a professor a question and she totally didn't answer my question but gave me an answer that had nothing to do with what I asked. She didn't understand what I asked but thought I asked a stupid question and answered me back with a subtly demeaning tone and I felt stupid and I just said, "OK." I wasn't going to fight with this professor in the middle of class. So I just forgot about the matter but the girl next to me leaned over and said she knew what I was asking!!! So either, we're both crazy or I am at least semi intelligent. But thinking about it, this experience happens pretty often. A lot of the time I just stop asking questions because people don't understand where I'm coming from. Even though this is BYU there still aren’t a huge number of deep thinkers maybe a high percentage but not 100% by any means, not even 50%.
Well I'm not all full of myself now, it just made me feel better not to be the dumb kid for once, cuz that is how I have grown up feeling.
I hope you all, my family and friends are doing well! It's semi good to be back at school and working toward my goal. I miss California but that is just more reason to hurry up and finish. Maybe I will find some hot genius girl to marry this semester!!!


Abby said...

ummm well we already knew you where a genius and that you had potential....Iam glad that you decided to not take so many classes!!!!

cari said...

Aaron, you are awesome and it's about time you start thinking a little more of yourself. You have a lot to offer people, I know this because we enjoyed spending so much time with you while you were here. I miss you, and those dance lessons!!!

Abby said...

ummm where is the new post.....I need an update very soon!!!