Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Catch up!

These three are pictures from a Frank Lloyd Wright house in Michigan. I never understood why he was so renowned. But now I know. He designed every aspect of his homes, the furniture, the light fixtures, everything. The house was cool and looked like it was straight out of the 70's but Frank Lloyd Wright was at the peak of his career in the 1920's and died at the end of that decade I believe. He was way before his time, it was really cool to see and learn about! I really respect people who are not afraid to challenge the world like Frank Lloyd Wright!

This is I think it said the largest steam engine ever constructed. They were used around WWII I think. I doesn't look that big in this picture but it was huge. It's not even all in the picture.

I look dumb but this was me at Carthage jail.

Nauvoo Temple. Pretty!!!


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