Saturday, October 27, 2007

Still Breathing

Well I finished my Anatomy Lab midterm I got a 71%, not so good. At least I'm not failing. I am so not motivated for this stupid class. I also took my D&C midterm. Not so good there either. Oh well!

I think since I am boring and have nothing else to say I'll just let everyone know that my favorite color is blue! I bought a new board game called Ticket to Ride, Days of Wonder. It is the US version of the game, there are also Europe, Germany and Switzerland versions as well. I'm excited. I'm gonna start another blog but it is going to be a writing blog. I'm going to start writing a story. It's gonna be cool too. We'll see if I'm any good at writing. It's just a little experiment. I'm also going to put more pictures on this blog eventually.


cari said...

Your mom says to get better grades--I Say "I love ticket to ride, that is such a fun game." Maybe we should get it for grandma and grandpa so we can play it with the fam. Sorry some of your midterms didn't go so well. =(

Abby said...

I did so horrible in college so atleast you don't have much to live up to....ha ha!!! Enjoy it and it will make it easier!!!