Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Holy Dang!!!

Don't get sick in Mexico. Montezuma's revenge doesn't even begin to describe. I feel like my insides are rearranging themselves every ten minutes and I had no idea what my body was capable of, turning perfectly solid foods into liquid. NOT FUN!!!!
Other than that Mexico was great. I will post some pictures soon. I am way behind on my homework so I can't write long but I received an email yesterday from the DACI Jamaica board.

They have accepted my proposal!
Provided I come up with the money to pay for my conference fee's, room and board and all that good stuff I will be presenting a lecture/forum and talk back session on Encouraging men, particularly in younger generations to dance. This will all be my own research and my own writing and speaking. Ahh!

DACI stands for Dance and the Child International
The DACI !INTERNATIONAL! conference will be held in June 2009. The conference will be about four days long with an attendance from around the world upwards of several thousand people.
I'll definitely be one of the nobodies that has a smaller showing but who else can say they started presenting at international conferences before they finished their undergrad. I will be presenting along side some of the top Dance Educators in the world.
This is such a great opportunity. I will be applying for grants to hopefully come up with most of the funding for me to do this. Hopefully I get it!!!
This will be fantastic on my resume for grad school! Maybe with this kind of work under my belt I can get some awesome scholarships for my graduate work. With the economy going the way it is I'm gonna need the help!

Well, I hope everyone is doing fantastic. School is treating me well, I'm busier than an ant right before winter time. I'm working on several extra projects on top of my 14.5 credits so I have to work extra hard to get my homework done (I know 14.5 doesn't sound like much but it's a lot for me). It's a good thing I love, love, love dancing. Otherwise I would have quit by now.
Love you all. Can't wait to see you all during Thanksgiving!!!


Anonymous said...

Aaron that is awesome!! Congrats times a million on getting accepted to that conference! Keep us posted on how everything's going, there have been too few updates from you, mister.

Abby said...

I agree with there being to few updates!! Well I am SO sorry to hear that you got sick that is just case in point of why I won't go to mexico unless on a cruise....WOW congrats on the Jamaica...you should bring me IF yu get enough money jk...but that is so great!!!

Wells Family said...

Did you drink the water while you where there? Congrats on the acceptance! You are going to go far beucase you are talented and passoniate about what you do! We're proud of you Aaron! Love,
Tyson & Autumn

Katie Jo said...

Hey! Congratulations Aaron! :) Sounds like you are doing great!

Daphne said...

Didst thou ever think thou wouldst be dancing and prancing all over the globe Aaron? Good luck recovering from your Mexican sickness (I should have warned you)and with the Jamaican "Let's Dance to Bob Marley Music and Get high Mon" Conference. Perhaps theyought not take advantage of the name I just suggested for it. It doesn't sound that reputable now that I think about it.