Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hello Guadalajara!!!

So I've got some big opportunities this summer. I made it into the musical here at BYU, Thoroughly Modern Millie but I won't be doing it because I made it into dancer's company again.

I have decided to do Dancer's company for a couple of reasons. First off, I'm going to Guadalajara (Mexico) to perform at the International Oral History Conference. We will be going the last full week in September. Our director applied for a school grant for the traveling expenses for us to go, I will only have to pay for food. And I am one of only four dancer's who get to go!!!

Aside from this great opportunity I also will be attending BYU's summer modern dance workshop. Each year the department brings in a professional choreographer/dancer to teach a workshop. While I attend this workshop I will be attending daily morning rehearsals with the choreographer along with three other dancer's from the company. The choreographer will be setting a piece of choreography on us. It is a double casted duet that we will perform all year switching off between each performance.

I am really excited and really nervous. I am so grateful as well to be the only dancer from the company to have the opportunity of participating in both of these opportunities!! No pressure. =P

I will also be choreographing a piece in the summer student showcase and performing the piece as well that was set on me last fall by Kaye Richards, a professor at the Unv. of Utah using a grant that I received, but these opportunities are not part of dancer's company. If anyone wanted to come and see the show it will be Aug. 8 and 9. Otherwise I will just try and post it on here after we have performed!!! Hope you are all well. I love you all and miss you very much!


Abby said...

Okay really I thought I left a comment...or maybe I have no brain. Anyway I wish I could come see you perform but seeing as I will probably be in the hospital having a baby I will have to miss out. Any how love ya and I am so glad that you are getting so many great it up!!!

Unknown said...

Finally you posted something new.
And somehow I missed it untl now.
I'm so excited to see you make the most out of school/dance experience.
You always seem to make things happen!!!! Miss you Love MOM

Daphne said...

wow, aaron. i'm gone for a month and suddenly you become dance king of p-town. How many poeple did you have to kill? I hope it was at least 4. Anything less is just insulting to you.

cari said...

Way to go Aaron. Mexico huh? Can I stow away in your luggage? I am so excited to see you. I think you are going to be home today! Yay!!!

Marcindra LaPriel said...

Woot woot! I totally want to see your show. So, does this mean you're still in Provo? Because I drove by around the 4th and your place looked pretty dang abandoned. I want to play some weekend!

Holli said...

Hey Aaron its Holli how are you i have a blog now and i didnt so many people had blogs. but its so fun to hear about everything that happening with you. im excited for you. i wish i could see you dance i know your really good! and im sorry we didnt get a chance to hang out on the 4th. but i miss you and love ya. love Holli

Cami said...

Aaron! I feel so out of the loop! I didn't realize how all that was working out with DC but I am SO glad you get this amazing experience! You deserve it Aaron. Just promise me I can still be your #1 dancing buddy... you'll have to teach me some cool lifts from this duet. I'm so excited to see you in a couple weeks (I'm still in London and haven't danced for MONTHS! This is going to be scary to start right in with Pat...) Take care pal.