Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Sorry it is late but I would like to say Happy Mother's day to all of those important women in my life. Thank you mommy, for being wonderful. Always taking care of me and calling me and doing things for me! Thank you Abby for helping to raise me, I'm so glad you have three sons and so close together. They are going to have the most fun childhood. Thank you Grandma Dale for all the love that you show me. I love you and appreciate all the lessons you have taught me. And thank you Grandma Dee, whom I miss greatly and will always think about. You are four of the absolute most influential women in my life and have made me the person I am today. I know you all would be proud of me and the way I treat those around me, I am always being told how nice and friendly I am. On mother's day the bishops wife in my ward, Sister Hansen said I must have a wonderful mom. I do, I do, I do, and I have three other wonderful women who reinforced all that my mother taught me. Thank you. I love you all so so so much and wish I could be with you. Take care and have a wonderful week this week. It is your mother's day WEEK!!!


Abby said...

ahhhh....tear. Thanks for that youa are sweet. I wish we could see you soon!! luv ya!!

Aaron Shaw said...

Thanks for the tear!!!

Unknown said...

Aaron you know that I am so proud
of you. You are an awesome guy...
But, I have to say you mostly just
came that way.... Thanks and you made me tear up too!!! xoxoxoxoxox

Mike Determan said...

Aaron you were always a mamas boy/even way back in the AF.Great to see you doing so good. Char and I think of you and your family often.this is Mike Determan by the way. are you still in michigan? last time we saw you was @ applebees and some mall near your home. Anyway keep up the good work! your friend- Mike call 480-785-1439

Mike Determan said...

oops wrong aaron shaw/ sorry... I was looking for my old AF buddie named aaron shaw 20 years ago we drank massive amounts of beer he is a preacher/sober for many years/ and me 6 months anyway he is a great guy sounds like it runs in the name. hurray for Aaron Shaw's

charla said...

What an awesome son. What can I do so that Connor and Kyle say the same about me when they're you're age? Way to go Aaron! You set the bar high!